

3月18日,全英羽毛球公开赛落幕,世界羽联2025年第12周排名更新,国羽在男单、女双、混双三个项目上都占据榜首!长沙“00 后”妹子魏雅欣和搭档蒋振邦,用精湛的球技和顽强的拼搏精神,首度在混双项目上登顶世界第一。他们从2022年10月在印尼玛琅羽毛球大师赛中首夺巡回赛混双冠军,到2025年3月首次登顶混双世界第一,仅用了2年半的时间。

On March 18, the All England Open Badminton Championships came to an end, and the BWF World Rankings for the 12th week of 2025 were updated. The Chinese badminton team ranked first in three events: men's singles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles! Wei Yaxin, a "post - 00s" girl from Changsha and her partner Jiang Zhenbang, topped the world rankings in mixed doubles for the first time with their superb skills and tenacious fighting spirit. From winning their first mixed doubles title in a tour event at the Indonesia Badminton Masters in October 2022 to reaching the top of the mixed doubles world rankings for the first time in March 2025, they only spent two and a half years.


Let's cheer for the Chinese badminton athletes and look forward to their continued outstanding performances in future competitions!

【Author:Zhao Ziming】 【Editor:谈诗谊】