春日踏青正当时 “露营+”解锁新玩法



The warm spring  has driven away the cold winter. More and more citizens in Changsha have gone outdoors to enjoy nature, which has set off a boom in spring outings

帐篷支棱起来,天幕也撑好啦,吃啥玩啥呢?现在城市即兴露营有了超多“露营 +”复合型新玩法。长沙一家露营基地的负责人透露,以前户外露营,可能就带顶帐篷、一个睡袋,或者一块野餐垫和点简单餐食就行。但现在不同了,露营集社交、度假、娱乐等多重功能于一身。基地从帐篷、地台、天幕、桌椅,到咖啡机、卡士炉、烤盘等装备,一站式给消费者配齐,连烤肉、火锅食材都有。碰上重要节日,营地还有超浪漫的篝火晚会和绚烂的烟花秀。

With tents and canopies ready, what to do for fun next? Now, there are a great many new "camping+" ways for fun in urban impromptu camping. The person in charge of a camping base in Changsha revealed that people might just bring tents, sleeping bags, or maybe a picnic mat and some food for outdoor camping in the past. But now it's different because camping can provide more functions, such as socializing, vacationing, and even entertainment. The base provides consumers with a one-stop service, equipping them with everything from tents, platforms, canopies, tables and chairs to coffee machines, gas stoves, baking trays and other equipment. It even offers ingredients for barbecues and hot pots. During important festivals, the camping ground also holds romantic bonfire parties and splendid fireworks shows.


Regarding the booming market of spring outing equipment, industry insiders analyze that it is closely related to the improvement of people's living standards and the change of consumption concepts. With the accelerating pace of life, many people want to step out of homes during their leisure time to get close to nature and relax. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of infrastructure such as cycling greenways and urban camping sites in the future, the leisure consumption will surely be further boosted. Have you gone camping recently?

【Author:Liu Jieping】 【Editor:谈诗谊】