谁懂啊!长沙地标居然被 “玩” 成冰雕了


真是不可置信,长沙地标集体 大变样,跑去当冰雕界网红啦!橘子洲头、天心阁…… 这些熟悉的地标换了身 冰衣,这反差感,真是绝绝子

No way! The iconic landmarks of Changsha have all "transformed dramatically" and become internet sensations in the ice - sculpture scene! Familiar places like Orange Island and Tianxin Pavilion have donned "ice attires". This contrast is mind - blowing!

Come and check out just how incredibly cool and fascinating this dreamy collab between Changsha and the Asian Winter Games is!

【Author:曾灵 林暘 向静雯(实习)】 【Editor:唐子路】