近日,长沙IFS冬季主题活动“Humana Theatre戏趣诞生”启幕,艺术家Vanissa Foo出席现场并分享创作理念。此次展览为马来西亚插画艺术家Vanissa Foo全新创作,展出持续至2025年1月3日,邀请市民游客共赴冬日派对,沉浸体验3大艺术装置空间及18场马戏狂欢嘉年华。
Recently, a winter-themed event "Humana Theatre" kicked off at the Changsha IFS, with artist Vanessa Foo attending the event and sharing her creative ideas. As a creation by Malaysian illustrator Vanissa Foo, this exhibition will last until January 3, 2025, inviting citizens and tourists to a winter party where they can have an immersive experience of three art spaces and eighteen circus carnival performances.
Come to Changsha and embark on a dream journey of winter with Mr. Clown!